Archive Finder

Archive Finder is used to find where jar classes are located. It must first be populated with java archives (jars OR zips). You may add jars individually or, by selecting a folder, recursively adding all the jars in the folder and all sub-folders.

You can select an archive in the table, and click 'Show Archive Contents' to see all the files in the jarfile. This includes all files, not just class files.

Clicking on the 'Find File' tab, selecting 'Edit/Find Class or File' of pressing Control-F, will select the 'Find File' tab with a text box that allows you to find class files (with or without the '.class' extension) or non-class files, in all the archives.

Clicking on 'Delete Archive' will delete a single archive. This is NOT undoable.

Selecting 'Edit/Clear Archive Files Database Table' will remove ALL the files in ArchiveFinder's table. This is NOT undoable.